- the story of regularity in chaos in nature
The numbers of individual birds in these flocks can run into thousands, yet they almost literally never collide. Which is just as well for, given the speed at which they fly, any such impact would severely injure them. Often the whole flock seems to behave as a single individual, wheeling and turning as one.
The whole performance would make a more than usually elegant screensaver on a computer. And this is neatly possible in an almost analogical way to how embryology works. Here's how to program flocking behavior in starlings. Devote almost all your effort to programming the behavior of a single individual bird. Build into your robo-starling detailed rules for how to fly, and how to react to the presence of the neighbouring starlings depending on their distance and relative position. Build in rules for how much weight to give individual initiative in changing direction. These model rules would be informed by careful measurements of real birds in action. Endow your cyberbird with a certain tendency to vary its rules at random. Having written a complicated program to specify the behavioural rules of a single starling, now clone the single bird to make a thousand copied, all same as each other (or maybe with some slight random variation among them in their rules) and release them to freely interact with each other.
Craig Reynolds called it boids and wrote a program along these lines in 1986. The basic flocking model in his program consisted of 3 elements:
1. Separation (steer to avoid crowding local flockmates)

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